Monday, September 12, 2016

Danny Gentile #42 - Anxiety (2)

Anxiety (2)

I am silent behind
an empty telephone

I have left its bell
to the Kookaburra
whose cascading voice
vindicates my morning

I have left its bell
to the season of sound
that aggregates around me

the plovers call
their lives into shape
I cannot achieve
this simple repeated note

so I subside in a bed
to listen

as aircraft ascend through
a travelled introspection

as the tiny city sounds
leaven everything

the internet voices
sing along with each other

but I never feel I belong there
out of tune and indecisive
there is never a room
enclosed enough to chat in

though not for lack of wanting
I certainly contain the need

though it feels slow
as a handshake signal
disrupted when dialing

and all I can give
is a false note
in the voice of anachronism

such a small thing

a small thing indeed


  1. great sense of isolation here and sense of small sounds breaking into a great silence

  2. I really enjoyed this one - the mournful tone and line like 'the season of sound/
    that aggregates around me' and 'the internet voices/sing along with each other' just lovely.

    1. Thanks. Both these anxiety poems sprang from how I was feeling earlier. The tone reflects this.


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