Monday, September 26, 2016

Robert Verdon, #309, born in the eighties

at best
as you writhe in the nudity of your birth

your new free world is a rotten pomegranate
better had it been squeezed dry, but still it drips
as the goth Edith Sitwell noted forty years earlier
quietly fulgent at night like a sugar cube crushed in the dark
the fuzzy picnic of the market with its lissome tubas and formula grown-ups
at first soporific, soon to be ardent
is your artist trying to draw with creosoted pastels
a war on all as time goes on

others were born in the eighties
that decade to be expunged from human history
but your eighties
is reaction thick as the dead underfoot
I am no camera to poke into such quicklime depths
who am I, no one listens to me, as soon none will listen to you
but now, in a glow of sugar, far away like a coal seam, I scent it

spontaneously burning …


  1. Fantastic, I really like your social commentary, loaded with that je ne sais quoi! Somehow oblique but powerful.

  2. thanks Anna, this came this morning, have had a few not soinpsired days

  3. Quietly fulgent at night like a coal seam ----- I had to be seated had to rush back to re read.

  4. had to laugh, poor millennials! even on your so called uninspired days there's an image or two, usually more, to blow one's socks off, Robert!

  5. I am reeling with all this praise, thank you all! :)


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