Thursday, March 17, 2016

Robert Verdon, #82, Red Morning on St Paddy’s Day

day leaks from the night
and here I am, breathing still,
a red paper bag, a hill, a zephyr

— crumbled biscuit sky, a bantam
egg cracked at the edge,
workmen talking over a digging machine
what is to be be done —

the world goes on and who knows why
no point in digging, mother does not live there
a slaw of clouds oppresses the hungry town
(I smell fried banana, the sign of which disease?) 
the world is my spoilt oyster,
and red swords fall from the ceiling

and over there, look Mama, it is green


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Susan — I must have been hungry when I thought of it.

  2. yes, that second stanza is a cracker. As for the smell of fried banana, well, that's a funny line to me because I make a fried green banana dish. It's Colombian, it's delicious, and I'm not sick. ;)

  3. On the other hand, not sure what the whole thing actually 'means' …


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