Monday, September 12, 2016

Janette Hoppe #43 Secrets (4)

secrets have a way
of coming to light in the end
no matter
how hard you try to hide them
they bubble to the surface
one way or another

that fatherless child
you never claimed
the secret daughter
you wished would just go away
because now is not a good time
for your wife
for your family

secrets have a way
of coming to light in the end
they bubble to the surface
one way or another

that girl that didn't give consent
that girl that hated her body
so much that self harm
was a much prettier option
the piercings, the tattoos,
the cut marks

secrets have a way
of coming to light in the end
they bubble to the surface
one way or another

that teenage mother
kicked out
to raise her child alone
nowhere to live
nowhere to go

secrets have a way
of coming to light in the end...


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