Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nathanael O'Reilly #19 Trail Ride

Trail Ride 

meet Bart and Pecos Jimmy
at the end of the dirt road

eight thousand feet up
higher than Kosciuszko

chat about forest fires
bear sightings and snowfall

while horses are watered
tighten saddles and adjust

stirrups for each rider
before mounting and setting

off across the high meadow
fluttering with white, black

golden and Monarch butterflies
ride single-file towards the forest

weaving upwards through
birch, ponderosa and aspen

always climbing and watching
blue skies above mountains

branches flicking at face-height
stones and fallen logs under hooves

daughter’s bare legs gripping
leather and smooth brown flanks

bare feet resting in cool stirrups
wind blowing sun-lightened hair


  1. Terrific, Nat. I can smell the horses and the fresh trees. The butterflies so silent in the breeze.

  2. I love reading this backwards and forwards, climbing in both directions; wonderful writing.


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