Monday, July 4, 2016

Robert Verdon, #195, The Opening of the Inaugural Speech of President Dump

My friends, there are those reading Vladimir Trotsky’s
‛ABC of Materialist Dialectics’ on the internet
while you are worried about pornography!
and China is building a bigger economy than the
failing U.S.A., right under our nose!
what happened to the keys to the gates of Heaven
that we always had in our safe pair of hands?
why can’t we even match the creativity of a 1950s
Burma-Shave billboard?
what is happening to the Right when we can’t even
keep a bonehead in power in Australia?
My friends, I say to you that we are in
decline, that there must be a way to claw our way back,
we still have the Bomb that we invented in Manhattan,
so follow me as I ride it down to victory!

(applause) …


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