Friday, July 1, 2016

Sarah St Vincent Welch #176 Ekphrasis Frida Kahlo's 'Diego on my mind' - Tendrils

Frida, with Diego on your mind,
looks down and away, inside,
the white ruffle surrounds
your strong face
hair crowned with flowers

this time I see tendrils
lianas, aerial roots, veins
curl and interlace flying over
casting beyond the frame

we hold the eye of our phones
open at your altar
the tendrils reach around the world


  1. Yes! Tendrils!!! Really like how you expand the focus from the up-close moment to the 'reach' through time. (PS. Haven't seen the exhibition yet, tix for this Sunday).

  2. great shot, Sarah! I really like how you've reframed the painting in your poem too.


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