Sunday, July 3, 2016

Kit Kelen #185 - election day

election day
reasons to toss out the Tories

we're not the haters
they hate that

numbers they live with
could be ours

however high you count
they count higher

ours, yours, mine, theirs
hard to call

those with more
are loath to let go

can you tell me which mob
stole the country? whose was it before?

It's just that I'm interested
I just want to know

and where are we, where have we put that border?
and how far are we prepared to go?

those gone in the bomb attack,
they were elsewhere, they weren't ours

we can hardly count them
can't identify the body

those people locked up on the island
let them swim for it

o cruel freedom
free country – you can walk away

from the dole
from the difficult dangerous job

from family and future
the past and the doctor

from the truth
from the facts of the matter

do I have feelings yet?
is it my turn to say?

how far deep down
do you have to know?

we're not the haters
and they hate that

two lines at the booth
and I vote for the sausages

I vote for
the moment to stop right here

in the gated communities
in the suburbs locked down

I'd vote for myself
I forgot to stand

they hold a camera to my head
I wince – I'm embarrassed

to get what I chose
another dose of collective hypnosis

it's the day after
and sunshine's the winner

it's ringing in my ears 



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