Sunday, July 3, 2016

Mikaela Castledine #184 In the garden

Put your listening out the door
all is instrumental
rain percussive patterings 
birds stringplucking
flute spooling hollows and decrescending hills
brass blossoms blow in lip pursing blasts
streams strumrunning between tympanic banks
walk along paths woodwhistling
beat your heart upstanding
with your fists muffle bound and highheld over head
like those jumping drummers do
yawns are yodelling with throats come uncoupled
music all alive and humming
in the garden


  1. I like ve the music and rhythm in this poem.

  2. I wrote love above and my iPad rewrote it!

  3. Sweet, Mikaela. It sounds so good that I wonder what the occasion is!

    1. No occasion! it was getting late and I had no poem for posting so I went and read some of my favourite e e Cummings.

  4. Love this: streams strumrunning between tympanic banks
    And I'm going to take up woodwhistling :)

  5. woodwhistling has entered my vocabulary too! Your poem makes me want to skip.:)


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