#174 ‘My
brother, my sister’
Though the
desert brings us lizards,
frogs, emus,
roos, snakes, birds, berries
and fruit to
eat, and though we can make
spears, shields,
boomerangs, coolamon
and boomerang
from its wood,
and though the
grasses give us baskets,
head wear, belts
and pouches, and though
the desert gives
us a story about a star,
a man, a woman
and a new paradise
lost forever, and
though the desert buries
everything we
have over and over again,
and though its
lakes are salty, its bores dry up,
and the tourists
get more lost every year,
though Christ
was a desert man too,
and God is at
least as vast as our desert,
we still resent
it, we spit upon it, we tramp
on it and dance
it down—it is our brother,
our sister, and
we must be fighting it,
bitterly, for
every small thing we have.