Thursday, August 25, 2016

Jeltje Fanoy #48 are you mad

in-laws can be tricky,
going thru the motions
of being a family,
I think, we're all
a bit paranoid,
afraid of being laughed
at, he suddenly said,
what are you laughing
about, are you mad, well,
no, what are you laughing at?

with a magnifying glass
you can see the weave
of the fabric,
the laughter you thought
was, at your expense,
we're just laughing
at different things (that's
why I never got married)
doesn't hold water, of
course, at family functions

a house, nestled in
the landscape, the rules
about dress and cleanliness
inside, the landscape
beckons, flowers
on the trees, birds, calls
of strange-looking lizards,
perhaps it's a child's
laughter, the joy of being
outside, when, inside
it's all rules and directives

hilarity, laughing at
the adults inside the house,
caged and colonized,
hidden from view,
absurdly rigid,
paralysing realities,
are you mad, well, no,
what are you laughing at?


  1. Oh I love this Jeltje, so true, too many rules are crushing, home is a place to be free and safe.

  2. So well noted and described Jeltje, the features and complications of families and their special artifices and boundaries. I like the fact that, while you've been honest, there's no harshness in your observations.

  3. thank you, I'm glad it's not too negative!

  4. fabulous, we've all been there - the family and home, so inviting, yet so problematic


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