Sunday, August 21, 2016

Linda Stevenson #21 August 21 Rhyming with window

Rhyming with window

How its sills could do with
cleaning, the curse
of upkeep, how we lie low
behind a curtained one for
solitude, making the castle
our own; how, in the dipping
afternoon, the softer light
leans in, teasing glass
to ornament, dressing
it up to glow.


  1. Enchanting. All the layers of life between its lines. Love '... teasing glass/to ornament ...'

  2. Thanks Liz. It's one of those momentary pieces written on the spot in response to a small impetus. Someone was saying that it's difficult to fine good rhymes for the word "window" this popped up ready made.

  3. they're subtle rhymes... but I love the title even if it didn't rhyme!

  4. I love the title too. My first reading was with 'Rhyming' as a noun rather than a verb - liked that s lot.


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