Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Linda Stevenson #24 August 24 End of the Rainbow

End of the Rainbow

I am implicated, you are,
End of the rainbow,
guest houses on the moon,
the alphabet;
these and all destinations
reel us in, we flap like fish
on encumbering lines.

Were we ever allowed to tour wild rivers
or search out the singularity,
that hope worth dying, living upon?
the edge of magnificent, or
the abysmal fall?

We were not, the hooks forever embedded
in our flesh, and our muted cries
echoing forever; we are forever subservient,
constrained, as babes in swaddling,
caught fish crashing in creels.

The rules of the big game are paramount,
the chase loaded against us;
hierarchies, with their myriad systems,
paralyze all natural wonder,
deceiving even the seas.

Freedom was a false trail
laid out on beaches by sideways walking crabs
before the washing tides sipped it up,
before Neptune, Poseidon...
before even the old whales danced.


  1. yes ... the human condition .... the essence of humanity ... of life .... tough for sure!

  2. Yes, hierarchies.... who wants them!


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