Sunday, June 19, 2016

#168 Kevin Brophy 'The steps it takes'

#168 ‘The steps it takes’
The young men grow into their football jumpers.
They move around the town in groups all day,
they know which trees are poisonous when shaved,
where the strongest clubs can be made,
how to trap corellas, crows, wild budgerigars,
which boomerang can break an emu’s leg.
They’ll hunt the cigarette butts from your ashtray.
Their bare feet feel the stones settle in the land.
I see them pass my window going down
then back then down again. Sometimes
they return with a child in their arms,
a woman at their side and the world keeps
turning at its pace. The young men know

these steps in the dust along this road.


  1. I really love this poem. I've read it through a number of times already and it keeps getting better! The line 'their bare feet feel the stones settle in the land' is amazing, the whole poem feels hinged on it.

  2. I agree about the 'stones settle' line. Rich imagery.


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