Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Chrysogonus' Translation #87 - from Rachael Mead's "The photographer and the wrong art"

Fotografer dan karya yang salah

Aku melihat mereka tiap pagi, katanya.
Mereka menunggu di luar pintu kaca
tanpa bertemu pandang
garis kasar yang mengular
kumal dalam raga
saat pukul 10 pagi menjelang.

Mereka mengingatkanku akan sapi, katanya
peternakan di mana aku tumbuh.
Saat fajar mereka merajai padang
berkilap surya dan rumput hijau
tersebar dalam baris liar
menunggu giliran bertemu mesin.

Tapi aku tak bisa menggambarkannya, katanya
aku tidak bisa menunjukkan kekerumunan mereka
dalam citra. Ia menggelengkan kepalanya,
tak puas akan kegagalannya,
kecepatan rana dan bukaan
decak cepat di benaknya.

aku meraih penaku .

State Library of South Australia

I see them every morning, she said.
They wait outside the glass doors
no-one meeting eyes
a ragged line that shuffles
into a clot of bodies
as 10am ticks closer.

They remind me so much of cows, she said
on the dairy where I grew up.
At dusk they’d stroll out of the paddock
dazed with  sunshine and meadow grass
and shamble into loose formation,
waiting their turn at the machines.

But I just can’t capture it, she said.
I can’t find a way to show their herdness
in an image. She shook her head,
non-plussed at this wilful failure,
shutter speeds and apertures
clicking briskly in her mind.

I pick up my pen.

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