Thursday, June 16, 2016

Efi Hatzimanolis #132 Unpicked II: Rapunzel

in a garden free of metaphors,
uncombed and undyed,
yet he found me.
I told him
to get knotted,
when first he tried climbing,
then parting my curtain.
He wouldn’t listen. Put his arms around me.
Whispered, how long have you been here? 
I don’t know your name. The birds don’t know your name.

I’m a tree fern,
and because that’s my skirt, not my hair, 
to which he's clinging like a toddler,
I don’t answer.

he has feelings 
that have been awakened by my silence,
so he persists in shredding
his soft skin
all over me.


  1. Replies
    1. oh yes, absolutely, Robbie! It was longer, more 'riddling' and heading into darker territory (ala Angela Carter at her heaviest) when I thought I better pull it back a bit.

  2. I can feel the texture of this.

  3. that prince is going to get a nasty surprise between this one and Emma's

  4. Thank you, everyone for your comments!


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