Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kit Kelen #168 - by appointment to HRH Antechinus

by appointment to HRH Antechinus

little mouse
in your nest of straw
for whom the world's
one inch of night
and nowhere else
but where you go

how do you dream today?

of leaves and colour
next of breath
of the weather coming, kin
of insects delicate to crush
a dry indoors and breeding

prairie to cross
and just these shreds of sail
all beak above and whimper
sun drills through your skull
some days
o never o never raise eyes

let the jungle be
even to tin!

the million memories
are seasons passed
all sniff and whisker now

every marsupial interest
made miniature in yours

so delicate and slow of paws
in the morning Her Highness Antechinus
must needs be turned outdoors


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