Friday, June 24, 2016

Robert Verdon, #184, Lanes

lanes run through the night untrodden
hard to find as dream doors in walls,
the doors in the squalid cell to the place
from which no re-capture is possible;
safe and unmapped, not all end at the grave

tiny child under cataract sky,
treading alone the howling lane
under stark windbreak pines of Pialligo;
knowing then that there are lanes
like whole childhoods, whole lives, whole countries,

there are lanes that will run across your face,
ever deeper as they are shunned,
lanes that join at unexpected corners,
lanes that peter out, nondescript 
as cotton-reels, and begin again …

lanes numerous as lines
lanes marking well the world
lanes beyond time and space and love
lanes loud as strings in the primal wind
lanes quiet as God in a sandstone nook.


  1. Thanks, Rosemary. Returned to an old theme I've written about before.

  2. This moved me so much, Robbie. I find returning so valuable. There is always more.


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