Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Sarah St Vincent Welch #162 writing fiction

they desire decisions
where and when
it’s the very middle
of their time, making
characters outside
cup to lip, about
to get out of bed
hand on door handle
the mystery of how
they are, often, how
they surprise themselves

so what to make choices
a tarot card
a rune
the pattern of numbers
a language of dream
or myth
to ask why, and
how to ask?

the shape of a word its sound
the picture it makes its echoes,
can these make the decisions?
It's all I have in this.


  1. Fiction's too hard for me; I don't have the patience. But when I was a little girl, I didn't play with my dolls the way other little girls did – I moved them around, having them act out stories.

    Interesting poem. And I love the graphic, being fond of wood and stones.

  2. I love the last line which refers to the poem itself, as much as to the struggle to write fiction.

  3. This is wonderful, Sarah - did you once ask about the materiality of language in a poem? Here it is (in sticks and stones, too).

  4. I found the arrangement of wood and stones just on the footpath in a carpark, it is wonderful isn't it? I it a game, or a spell, a whimsy, a message? And I have been wanting to use the image with a poem, and though enigmatic, I liked it with this one. Dolls acting out stories is very apt I think, how they take life.


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