labyrinthos house of the double axe
a place of returns a palace of dreams
darkness embraces you walk don't run
listen to your footsteps attend your
breath can you hear the roar of silence
the bellow of the minotaur somewhere
down here she is what is the sound
of your heart and Pasiphae too
is a cow a sacred cow of the kind
who inhabits the skies spills her milk
across the black heart of space galactic
an aerial labyrinth no walls just space
how do you follow a labyrinth without walls?
a place of returns a palace of dreams
darkness embraces you walk don't run
listen to your footsteps attend your
breath can you hear the roar of silence
the bellow of the minotaur somewhere
down here she is what is the sound
of your heart and Pasiphae too
is a cow a sacred cow of the kind
who inhabits the skies spills her milk
across the black heart of space galactic
an aerial labyrinth no walls just space
how do you follow a labyrinth without walls?
This poem enthrals me, Susan. That last question - wow.