Thursday, June 16, 2016

#166Kevin Brophy "One thing bursts from another'

#166 ‘One thing bursts from another’

I have been told that once upon a time
a child came upon a school bell and rang it
in a doorway
on a dusty street far from here.

As she rang the bell children came out to play.
The children had balls, string, chalk,
and high yelling voices.
Compelled, the dogs followed them out.

Soon the children closed their eyes
and spun around
until the world was lost.
Jack tumbled to his knees, soldiers
as many as you please shot each other.
Jill needed band-aids on her boils.
Bibles flew into the ceilings of the houses.
Every sandwich turned to crumbs
in the children’s fists.
Every king was looking for a kingdom.

At last the children stopped their talk
and dressed up as their parents.
No one was the leader of this free world.
Every dog was bitten twice.
The spell was cast.
There were, I have been told,
six brothers still looking for their swan wings,
another held a white note that fluttered
like a wounded bird in his hand,
a girl was making shirts

from bark, grass, seeds, dust and feathers.


  1. So many tales flowing over each other and together (and one of my favourites, the swan brothers). Wonderful, Kevin.

  2. Agreed. Expressed so well by Efi and Sarah. I love the nettles and the swans too and the hint of Cohen and the Happy Prince, Hansel and Gretel and so many more I probably haven't picked up yet.


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