Thursday, June 16, 2016

#167 Kevin Brophy 'Procession'

#167 ‘Procession’
Hawks come in, float across the ground
then leave us to the quiet of this particular day.
Children settle to their books or run
until they gasp and laugh.
Crows like middle managers are watching everything
and taking what they can.
The sky won’t brighten, will not burn,
does not press on us today.
It drops small planes from its blankness
gently, letting them down near us.
We go to the planes, curious about the pilots
and passengers who come, then go.
It is an easy day, we say, when
crows and cockatoos fly slow
and solemn as processions of ageing bishops
past the Jesus hill, the school, the generator

and the acres and acres of ruined, gaping cars.


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