Thursday, June 16, 2016

Barbara Temperton #15 - Cruising III: ratapan* di Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur

At first they are just sounds
among all the unfamiliar sounds
echoing around us in Gallery A.

My group views the exhibit on Perak Man, then
I’m left behind, engrossed with other ancient bones;
jar, log and bronze coffins; slab graves.

The sounds are in language I don’t know,
but their meaning stalks me, then leads me
in the direction from which they come.

A couple sit on a bench in the atrium
between prehistory and colonisation.
The woman is sobbing. She rests her head
against her companion’s shoulder,
as he stares stoically ahead.

The tour guide comes to claim me;
she thinks I’m lost.

*lament (Malaysian)


  1. Thank you, Rosemary! It was a late night last night. :)

  2. I love how this works metaphorically!

  3. especially like the couple on the bench stanza.

  4. Thank you, Efi, Lisa & Jill. Like many new pieces I've since spotted a few things that needed to go - also discovered the edit strike-through function so I can show deletions. Also, I've changed the gender of the guide to female, so as not to confuse with the man on the bench. Now I can see it could confuse with the woman. (Aaaargh!) I'm tempted to remove the gendered pronoun altogether in relation to the guide, e.g. "The tour guide comes to claim me; / thinks I’m lost." What do you think?


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