Sunday, June 5, 2016

Carefully Selected Weeds #3 by Emma McKervey

Carefully selected weeds

It seems something of a design flaw -
the paper white flash of the rabbit’s rump
as it bounds for safety
the glare of which draws the eye
and contravenes the theory of evolution -
unless of course evolution is on the side of the predator
who needs an obvious target to remain fed.

Young rabbits are easier targets still.
Any cat can reach out a languid paw
and swipe one deftly and without strain
although they do not provide the entertainment
of a skittish mouse, which is why the rabbit kit
was left, still trembling, on the kitchen floor,
then housed in the old domestic rabbit hutch,

surrounded with carefully selected weeds
to tempt it from its shock.
It vibrated gently in the corner, unsure
whether the effort of recovery would ensure
 it would be unreturned to us again,
as the cat disappeared through the hedge row

and back into the fields once more.


  1. I love "it vibrated gently in the corner". Captures that terror so well. I really enjoyed this poem.

  2. Yes, I too love the line Lisa selected, and enjoyed the whole poem. Your conversational tone drew me right in immediately. And I must add, lucky bunny. When I lived where there were wild rabbits, one of my cats demolished the young ones quickly, I'm afraid.

    1. I'm afraid my cat is an absolute weapon of mass destruction too. I am very glad you enjoyed the poem though!


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