Monday, June 6, 2016

Efi Hatzimanolis #121 'not silent, not out loud': a love poem

The best days contain a moon and a sun, no ending.
I call on the moon when I want to speak to the sun,
and the sun, when I must run
from you, carefully,
into its blindspot, invisible to you and your world,
but not silent.
I won’t be hunted down in a story about beauty,
you’ll never hear me flatter you,  
not out loud. 
Not even when you speak your love
in words that are radiant fish leaping in your throat,
I don’t fish in flashing shallows.


  1. So powerful Efi - I especially love your opening line.

  2. That is beautiful Efi, such strong images.

  3. heartfelt, eloquent, and strong as silk thread

  4. A wonderful love poem. I love its ambivalence and complexity of tone.

  5. Thank you, everyone. I appreciate your comments a lot!


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