Photography is the art of
formalising the body*
The studio portrait: An
informal snap
his dark suit catches
the flower-pretty laugh
gloves in hand she throws to friends,
silk tie shines with the boundless grin
polished shoes; dazzling
his eyes, as they,
her flawless satin gown the
centre of attention,
pearl earrings make their way
up the aisle
regal neck to the church door;
bouquet of lilacs this
picture fits the story
and prayer book; they
will tell us about this day
this image when it rained and he carried
from their wedding day across
the mud, while across
tells me that they were the
world, on this same day,
picture perfect. a
movie star married a prince.
*quote from Camera Lucida by
Roland Barthes
I'm working on a few photos, each with a quote as the title at the moment.
I'm working on a few photos, each with a quote as the title at the moment.
Beautifully contrasted. And your last line immediately brings that famous image clearly to mind. I like the idea of this series; hope we see more.