Monday, June 20, 2016

Robert Verdon, #180, Hard Cheese (a prose microplay in one act)

Tom and Bill, eating lunch. Tom has just upended a bottle over his celery sandwich.

Tom: (sotto voce) You little beauty! (to Bill) Hey mate, want some tomato sauce?
Bill: No way mate, that’d ruin it.
Tom: I can see you’re finding that sanga enjoyable as it is.
Bill: Yeah, it’s cheese.
Tom: Bit borin’ I’d reckon.
Bill: No it isn’t. I — actually, I find cheese — erotic.
Tom: Eh? Er, do you? I don’t. Hey, I bet you collect it.
Bill: Yeah, how did you know? I’ve got four hundred types of cheese at home.
Tom: They see you comin’ at IGA.
Bill: Yep, the manager said he’s just put in a swimmin’ pool.
Tom: Christ. But — do you feel compelled to — nibble at it, like — a mouse?
Bill: Er, ’course I do — heh heh! But there’s a hell of a lot to eat, mind you.
Tom: Geez, I’d imagine. Reckon it’d go mouldy, wouldn’t it?
Bill: I do keep a lot of it in the fridge. But, well, truth be told, I like — mouldy cheese the best.
Tom: Oh — mate, that’s disgustin’.
Bill: No —
Tom: Yes it is. Even Wallace and Grommit wouldn’t come at that. Just the thought of it makes me sick.
Bill: No, mate, it’s — delicious! It’s a good feelin’, lettin’ it slide down yer gullet, so sinuous, so concu – pissant!
Tom: Concupiscent? You’re sick, mate. Sick in the head.
Bill: B-but it’s good! There’s a certain kind of — beauty in mouldy cheese. A je ne cheese quoi.
Tom: There is not! It’s filthy. I tell you, you’re a sicko. A pervert.
Bill: (eyeing his dripping sandwich) I think you protest too bloody much, mate.
Tom: I’m a vegan! And you — you’re a cheesophile.
Bill: Look, I — I don’t do it with very young cheese. It’s all matured. Consenting slices, you know. I even keep the rind on half the time.
Tom: Oh Geez. Look mate —
Bill: — it’s wholesome, especially the Swiss.
Tom: For God’s … Well — so you say. (aside) Geez, it gives a whole new dimension to the Cheese Shop sketch.
Bill: (aside) An erotic classic. (to Tom) But there’s one kink I don’t have.
Tom: What’s that?
Bill: Mate, I might be a sicko and a pervert, I might even be a cheesophile, but under no circumstances do I smother me little beauties in tomato bloody sauce!


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