Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Efi Hatzimanolis #129 'Time'

fruit rotting
in compost heaps
of time passing

is there anything 
the black hole
will not eat?


  1. Has a lovely balance to it. Like the rightness of rot and compost. It really works. Great fit of form and content.

  2. concise and vivid - well made Efi :-)

  3. thank you so much, everyone. It can also be read in couplet form so that the central two lines, "of time passing/is there anything" run onto each other clearly in containing the central theme. In the end, I structured it as above, but I wasn't sure whether that would carry the full import of 'waste' in the heart of time.... I'm so glad you're happy with the structure :)

  4. compost as black hole, black hole as compost eater: llike it a lot.


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