Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Robert Verdon, #181, Winter Solstice at Height

Again, on our
pilgrimage to the top, we are

mixed up in the swirl, the gully curled
like a cat below,

a dandelion clock of dust dancing,
a foggy wind prancing across the height

shoving us sideways
with the cloud-elephant overhead —

no thoughts of suicide; a dead possum
turns out to be a wedge of weathered wood:

the cold rain hammers down, hammers down,
scarred like us, glossy as a coffin, tethered to the mountainside.


  1. great lines Robbie adding up to a haunting poem

  2. Glossy as a coffin, made me feel that smooth hard surface.

    1. This line popped into my head as I was writing out the last line on the second draft. Funny how that happens.

  3. What a moody, wonderful poem.


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